Accountability means showing up and setting out to accomplish the things you said you would do. It is about taking personal responsibility for your life, and work or school. It is also trusting in your teammates and knowing you can count on each other to get things done. We need to think of accountability in a few ways. We must hold OURSELVES accountable, and we must hold OTHERS in our lives accountable (which means they also HOLD US accountable too). This month we delve into why this is so important to live a productive and successful life.
Accountability has many similarities to Responsibility. They are like cousins to each other and go hand in hand. The list below is your responsibility as a good person, and by doing them you are holding yourself accountable!
For children accountability looks like:
- Brushing your teeth every day (because your parents want you to)
- Making your bed (because your parents like a tidy home)
- Good manners at the dinner table
- Doing your homework
- Going to bed on time
- Going to EMA class regularly
- Admitting you are wrong
- Apologizing when called for
Written by Kumar Bandyo