As a parent, leader, teacher, mentor, or instructor it is our job to hold people accountable. Parents must hold their children accountable. Teachers and instructors must hold their students accountable. When you are in a position of authority it is especially important you understand this, otherwise your children or students will not accomplish their goals. They need this help and nudge to succeed. And if you are a boss or supervisor in any capacity, you will be more respected if you hold your people accountable for fulfilling their duties.
E.g. if you are a parent that has repeatedly asked for their child not to leave their dirty laundry on the floor, then to hold your child accountable there must be consequences. So, if they keep doing it, they lose phone privileges for a few days, with progressive discipline. We cannot think of it as punishment, because in the real world there are much more dire consequences to not doing what you say or are supposed to do.
Written by
-Kumar Bandyo