TOP 6 CHALLENGES CHILDREN FACE – For the instructors – supplemental info. It’s important to be aware of the challenges children of today face. When we understand them, we can help them, or guide them in the right direction.
- STICKING TO A ROUTINE – The school day is full of breaks, changes, and different kinds of learning which occur almost like clockwork. Establishing routines is important for a child’s social development. They learn to become comfortable with the world around them, build skills in safe environments, and ensure they can cope with the challenges of school.
- CYBERBULLYING – Cyber Bullying is a very difficult thing to escape when so much of a child’s social and personal identity is shaped by the time they spend online. The internet and social media have become our kids’ meeting place, much like parks or malls were for other generations. With the ability to say anything, or be anyone, the online world is dangerous because it can be used to spread rumours and allow people to say things they normally wouldn’t say in real life. Along with many bulling and kids’ helplines, schools are a great resource to put an end to the bullying. All schools will have a Cyberbullying plan in place.
– Written by Kumar Bandyo