When you are a child, you have little responsibility except looking after yourself. You do not have bills to pay, work to go to, or home maintenance projects. Your only job is to be a child, listen to your parents, teachers, and coaches, behave, try to be nice, and learn as much as you can about life. And doing all those little things our parents ask of us , homework our teacher give us, and practice like our instructors ask us to, develop us into healthy well- balanced, well-loved little human beings.
As an EMA Martial Arts student, accountability, responsibility, and honesty. You are not a true martial artist until you can display this characteristic along with humbleness, positivity, a decent work ethic and dedication. Skills are important, but not as important as these qualities.
-Written by Kumar Bandyo
“Take accountability… Blame is the water in which many dreams and relationships drown.”
Steve Maraboli