Why do teens and adults get tighter as they age? Why do strange aches and strains occur for no reason when you are older? How did you hurt your back by doing nothing? Why are people’s posture much worse today than 30 years ago? These are questions faced by today’s society and as a result […]
Would you rather be able to put your palms flat on the floor when standing, or be able to kick someone’s head, who is taller than you, while sparring? The floor touch requires static flexibility, while the kick requires dynamic flexibility. Both are aspects of fitness and health, but dynamic flexibility contributes much more to […]
There are dozens of ways to stretch every major muscle. The only wrong way to stretch a muscle, is the one that hurts. Contrary to popular belief, stretching should not be pushed to pain, especially sharp pain. While stretching may be uncomfortable if you are tight, or you may cramp up when stretching, you should […]
FLEXIBILITY is the capacity of a joint or muscle to move through its full range of motion. It should do so without pain, snags or forcing it. Full body flexibility is moving fluidly through all ranges of motion without restriction. This flexibility allows us to perform all primal movement patterns without limitation – squat, hinge, […]
- Accountability
- Breathe
- challenge
- Competition
- Empathy
- Fear
- Flexible
- Forgiveness
- Gratitude
- Healthy Habits
- Immunity
- Kindness
- Manners (not just on the mat)
- Nature
- Peace
- Persistance
- Perspective
- Posture
- Rest
- Rewire
- Safety in the home
- Self Discipline
- Self Esteem
- Self Regulation
- Sleep
- Tenacity
- The Sweat Challenge
- Train Your Brain
- Uncategorized