In attention stance, heels are together, toes slightly out, knees just unlocked but not bent, hips tucked, tummy held in just a bit, chest lifted just a bit, chin tucked and eyes straight forward. In EMA we all do ¼ bows. From attention, hands touch sides, arms straight, and hinge forward at the hips about […]
A structured training environment. A fun and interactive learning environment. By stressing discipline, not just in martial arts, but all areas of life. By learning humility. There will always be someone more skilled, so we must learn to accept that. Engaging with others teaches proper social etiquette and social graces. We say please and thank-you […]
WHAT ARE SOME THINGS THAT DO NOT SHOW RESPECT IN YOUR TRAINING CENTER? Not greeting your instructors and leaders. Not saluting the flag. Keeping your head an eyes up when you bow. Addressing instructors by their first names. Swinging weapons around when you are asked to bring them onto the mat. Making a mess in […]
When you first start martial arts, the formality can be a little overwhelming. Everyone bowing, shaking hands, saying please/thank-you, addressing instructors as Mr. or Ms. – it is all very strange – until you get used to it. After a while, you cannot imagine not doing it as you realize it is just a different […]
- Accountability
- Breathe
- challenge
- Competition
- Empathy
- Fear
- Flexible
- Forgiveness
- Gratitude
- Healthy Habits
- Immunity
- Kindness
- Manners (not just on the mat)
- Nature
- Peace
- Persistance
- Perspective
- Posture
- Rest
- Rewire
- Safety in the home
- Self Discipline
- Self Esteem
- Self Regulation
- Sleep
- Tenacity
- The Sweat Challenge
- Train Your Brain
- Uncategorized